Patriot Front Nashville March: A Call for Action

The Patriot Front, a white supremacist hate group, held a rally in Nashville, Tennessee, on April 10, 2022. The event drew approximately 100 people, who marched through the city streets chanting slogans and carrying flags with racist symbols. The march was met with strong opposition from local residents and counter-protestors, who gathered to denounce the group’s hateful ideology.


The Patriot Front was founded in 2017 by former members of Vanguard America. The group espouses a white supremacist ideology, advocating for the creation of a white ethnostate. They have been linked to various acts of violence and intimidation, including the 2017 Charlottesville rally, where a counter-protest was killed by a white supremacist.

The Nashville March

The Nashville march was organized in response to the ongoing protests against police brutality and racial injustice. The Patriot Front aimed to capitalize on the division and anger that these protests had created, promoting their message of white supremacy and racial separatism.

The march began at Bicentennial Capitol Mall and proceeded through downtown Nashville, ending at the Nashville Public Library. Along the way, the group chanted slogans such as “White pride!” and “Remember Charlottesville!” They also carried flags with racist symbols, including the Confederate flag and the Nazi swastika.

The march was met with strong opposition from local residents and counter-protestors. Counter-protestors outnumbered the Patriot Front by a significant margin, and they chanted slogans such as “Black lives matter!” and “No Nazis in Nashville!” The police were on hand to maintain order and prevent any violence from occurring.

Reaction and Impact

The Patriot Front’s Nashville march was widely condemned by political leaders, civic organizations, and the general public. The event was seen as a blatant attempt to promote hate and division in the city.

The march also had a significant impact on the Nashville community. It highlighted the ongoing struggle against racism and white supremacy in the United States. It also prompted a conversation about the importance of tolerance and inclusivity.

The March’s Context:

The Patriot Front Nashville March took place amidst a heightened national conversation about racial justice and police brutality. Following the high-profile deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, protests erupted across the country, demanding systemic change. The Patriot Front Barcelona Spain Tourism Protests, seeking to capitalize on the social unrest, organized the march as a statement of defiance against these movements.

Symbolism and Messaging:

The march featured the display of racist symbols, including the Confederate flag and the Nazi swastika. These symbols were intended to provoke and intimidate, signaling the group’s white supremacist ideology. The participants chanted slogans such as “White pride!” and “Remember Charlottesville!” referencing the 2017 rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, where a white supremacist killed a counter-protest.

Counter-Protests and Community Response:

The Patriot Front march was met with fierce opposition from local residents and counter-protestors. The counter-protestors far outnumbered the marchers, demonstrating a strong sense of community unity and resistance against hate. The police presence was significant to ensure public safety and prevent any potential violence.

Impact and Legacy:

The Nashville march serves as a stark reminder of the enduring presence of white supremacy and hate groups in the United States. It highlighted the importance of vigilance and activism in combating these forces. The event also sparked discussions about the role of local communities in addressing extremism and promoting tolerance.

Beyond the March:

While the Nashville march was a significant event, it is important to note that it was not an isolated incident. The Patriot Front and other white supremacist groups have been active in various parts of the country, organizing rallies, distributing propaganda, and engaging in acts of violence.

Addressing Extremism:

To effectively combat extremism, it is essential to understand its root causes and develop strategies for prevention. This includes promoting education, fostering dialogue, and addressing underlying social and economic inequalities. Additionally, law enforcement agencies need to be vigilant in monitoring extremist groups and preventing them from carrying out acts of violence.

Beyond Nashville:

The impact of the Patriot Front Nashville March extended beyond the city limits. It served as a rallying cry for white supremacists across the country, inspiring similar events and actions. However, it also galvanized the counter-movement, leading to increased activism and resistance against extremism.

The Ongoing Struggle:

While the Nashville march was a significant event, it is important to recognize that the struggle against white supremacy and hate is ongoing. The Patriot Front and other extremist groups continue to operate, and their ideologies remain a threat to society. It is essential to remain vigilant, support counter-movement efforts, and work towards a more just and equitable future for all.

Frequently Asked Questions 

About the Event

When did the march take place? 

The Patriot Front Nashville March occurred on April 10, 2022.

Where did the march start and end?

 The march began at Bicentennial Capitol Mall and proceeded through downtown Nashville, ending at the Nashville Public Library.

How many people participated in the march? 

Approximately 100 people participated in the march.

About the Patriot Front

What is the Patriot Front?

 The Patriot Front is a white supremacist hate group that advocates for the creation of a white ethnostate.

What are their goals? 

Their goals include promoting white supremacy, anti-immigration, and anti-government sentiments.

About the Reaction

How did the Nashville community react to the march?

 The march was met with strong opposition from local residents and counter-protestors, who outnumbered the Patriot Front by a significant margin.

What did political leaders say about the march? 

The march was widely condemned by political leaders, civic organizations, and the general public.

Other Questions

Were there any incidents of violence during the march? 

The police were on hand to maintain order and prevent any violence from occurring.

What is the significance of the Nashville march? 

The march highlighted the ongoing struggle against racism and white supremacy in the United States. It also demonstrated the power of unity and resistance against hate.


The Patriot Front’s Nashville march was a disturbing display of white supremacy and hate. The event was a reminder of the ongoing threat posed by extremist groups in the United States. However, it also demonstrated the power of unity and resistance against hate. The Nashville community showed that it would not tolerate racism and bigotry.

The Patriot Front’s Nashville march was a wake-up call for the city and the nation. It is a reminder that we must continue to fight against racism and bigotry in all its forms. We must also work to create a more just and equitable society for all.

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